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Your Role in the Quality System

As a person (or family member/guardian of an individual) receiving services, it is your role to speak up when it comes to defining quality services. You have not only the right, but also the responsibility to tell someone when you are not satisfied with services. It is also your right and your responsibility to define what your expectations are from those providers who offer services to you or your family member. If you feel your requests or concerns have not been addressed to your satisfaction, you can contact your Regional Office or contact DBHDD Constituent Services.

The Georgia Collaborative ASO will also need your help in evaluating the quality of services. If you would like to participate in a survey about the services you receive, please let us know by contacting our customer service center. Participation is voluntary and will not impact the services you receive.

The role of the Quality Improvement (QI) Councils is to review and analyze data for developing service improvement targets and tracking progress. Data sources that will be available to the QI Councils including the data collected by Delmarva, such as, the National Core Indicator (NCI) surveys (to see Georgia’s results on the NCI), Person Centered Reviews (PCR), Quality Enhancement Provider Reviews (QEPR), and other data sets. Data sources that will be available to the QI Councils including the data collected by Delmarva, such as, the National Core Indicator (NCI) surveys, Person Centered Reviews (PCR), Quality Enhancement Provider Reviews (QEPR), and other data sets. Because of their unique positions within the system, members of the QI Councils may identify gaps and problems with existing services and most importantly, will then use this data, and what it identifies, to make system changes at local, regional and state levels. It is very important the QI Councils understand they will not be considered just advisory councils that make only suggestions for change. The QI Councils will be an active partner in future changes to the services offered through Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. The QI Councils will be partners with the regional and state offices to make that change happen.

Representatives from all areas across the state are essential in order to obtain an appropriate perspective on all issues that may need to be resolved. Therefore, there will be one statewide and six regional QI Councils, allowing all areas of the state to be equally represented. If you would like more information about your regional council please contact Delmarva Foundation at georgia@dfmc.org or contact your Regional Office.


